Sometimes my plan fail, but God always gives me better options.

     There are many times in my life when things went in a completely opposite way than I had thought or planned.  I am an impatient person, so I like things to be done my way and in my own time. I've found that in each and every one of those situations, God had a completely different plan. Many times, we plan out things with our own knowledge, and then we blame God when things start going wrong.  We try to teach God by telling him how things should work out. We become upset, and frustrated at God. We then begin to fear and wonder why things didn't work the way we planned and prayed. Maybe it’s our sins?  Or did God even hear our prayer? We often say we trust in Him, but if we trust God the way we say we do, we must trust that God knows what is best for us in every situation.  If we put our trust in Him He will direct us in the way that is best for us, even if we don’t think that it’s the best for us in that moment.  Often, we are too stubborn to listen to Him or follow His direction, or even to believe that He will never leave us or forsake us.  We need to learn to depend on Him and His will completely and without a doubt.  Proverbs 3:5 and 6 instruct us to trust in the Lord with ALL of our heart and not lean upon our own understanding. It also tells us that if we acknowledge the Lord in all of our ways, He will direct our paths. So even if our plans fail, know that He has something better ahead. God’s ways are mysterious and hence we may not get it at first but let Him direct, let him lead. He’s got the best for you. -Betcy Jacob

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