What Kind of Love?

I’ve noticed that love is a reoccurring theme on this blog. It’s not that I couldn’t think of anything else to share, but it’s something that has been dealing with my heart recently. I keep being reminded of His unfailing love towards me and I can’t help but feel overwhelmed.  I read a quote recently that stirred my heart.

“There is no pit so deep, that God’s love is not deeper still.”

What kind of love is that? I can’t even comprehend this kind of love. A love that is deeper than my deepest, darkest, most dreadful sin/failure/mess/PIT? WHAT?! It’s hard to grasp, right?

Think about how we fall short, stumble, and fail sometimes; God’s love goes beyond that. Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). So no matter what kind of mess you are in, no matter how badly you’ve fallen, no matter how far you’ve gone away from God…NOTHING can separate you from the love of God! That doesn’t give us the excuse to commit every sin in the book and see whether God still loves us. We’re human.  We mess up and makes mistakes, but instead of thinking we’re so messed up and broken beyond repair, remember HIS LOVE. His love is more than
able to clean up our mess, forgive our sins, and make us whole.

God knows what we’ve done and what we are going to do and still loves us despite that. Just because we think we’ve reached our quota or limit of sins committed, failures, or shortcomings doesn’t mean we give up. It doesn’t mean God’s love for us has reached its limit and we’ve become a lost cause. What kind of love would that be?  What kind of love would that be if at the moment we committed sin #185 God‘s love for us runs out? What kind of love would it be that it could be separated by our failures? Is that even love? If that was the case, I would be beyond lost right now. I would be rotting in my sins and my failures. I wouldn’t be alive.  If it wasn’t for His love that looked past my messed up condition, my mistake-filled life, my never-ending failures, I would be lost and incomplete.
But HIS LOVE overlooked everything. His love is unconditional. He didn’t love me because of anything I did. He didn’t love me because I was an outstanding individual, or because I attend church every Sunday. That’s conditional love. That’s the love that the world offers. That’s the “if you do this, then I will love you” kind of love; but HIS LOVE…

HIS LOVE is UNCONDITIONAL. I did absolutely NOTHING to deserve it.  Nothing I do can CHANGE His love for me. God’s love is bigger, stronger, and better than any mess, problem, or sin that is in our life.

Often times I forget how much He really loves me. But sitting here, writing this, I’m so grateful to realize that He loves me so much that He gave HIS life for me. Yes, we hear it all the time! We hear it every Sunday. It’s so easy for us to say, “God loves us,” but do we truly grasp what that really means? The God of the universe – who created the beautiful sunrise and sunset that I eagerly await to see, who breathed LIFE into our very being and keeps our heart beating, who knowing that we would stray away from His presence and seek after things of this world – LOVES US! Amazing, right? What kind of love is that?

I hope you take time this week to soak in the love of God. To understand His immeasurable, tangible, unfailing, and unconditional love. Allow God to overwhelm us with His love. Our lives would never be the same once we experience that kind of love. 

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