Keep Calm......Pray On.

Written By: Joanna John

"Keep Calm and Carry on,” we’ve all read the poster or at least heard the phrase before. This was a poster made by the British government 1939 in preparation for the Second World War. This was created to raise the morale and calm the public as people were frenzied due to the threat of air attacks in that era. The poster was made to relieve the stress of the public and have them understand that the government had the situation under control.
Life comes with many little surprises; some happy, some sad, some expected and some unexpected. Regardless, with these little surprises comes a lot of anxiety tied to it. The very first reaction we have when a circumstance or a ‘surprise’ is a not favorable to us, we worry. Over the years we have all developed ways in which we could handle these situations. Some people decide they would like to keep the issue to themselves and not express their innermost concerns whereas others simply stress and panic. But what does the Bible say? How are we supposed to handle a situation that is not favorable?   
 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4: 6-7
The Bible clearly states in the book of Philippians not to be anxious. It states that through every situation we must rely on him. Not just the happy situations but also the difficult ones.  Our Lord instructs us to come to him and that he would be our serenity. We can find solace in him. He is our hope and our deliverer.
The British government wanted to reassure their residents that they were in safe hands. They wanted the residents to continue to live their normal lives even through war. The British government wanted the public to trust them. We can change this British advertisement from, “Keep Calm and Carry On” to “Keep Calm and Pray On. “Though we may not want to carry on with our lives when stress strikes us, we certainly must trust in God to take us through each of these situations. Constant prayer and intercession through any tough situation will bring us peace. Have you kept calm and prayed today?

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