Be the Change, Even If You're Alone.
Nehemiah 2:17- "You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lines in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace".
Nehemiah was cupbearer to the king. At one point, he heard from his friends that the Jews who survived the exile were in great trouble. He specifically said the wall of Jerusalem was broken down, and the gates were burned up. Nehemiah fasted and prayed after hearing this, and He prayed to the Lord to soften the heart of the king so that Nehemiah may go to the place his fathers were buried and rebuild the gate. In God's miracle working power, He worked in the king's heart to not only let Nehemiah go for a few days, but he provided him in every are to make sure he had the resources and protection he needed to accomplish his goal.
There are many things to learn from this account, but a few stand out in particular.
1) Nehemiah Had a Burden.
Nehemiah was cupbearer to the king. Though it may sound like a lowly job, it was quite the contrary. These people tasted every drink before it got to the king to make sure it was not poisonous. Cupbearers basically risked their lives on the daily. Not only that, but the cupbearer was a confident and an advisor to the king. Nehemiah had this job-so why should he care about what the Jews were going through? It was because he had a burden for them. He sympathized with them, and knew that if he was not going to care, especially having a connection through where his fathers were buried, then no one was. This goes for you and I too. If God has put a burden in your heart for someone or something- DON'T be afraid of that! He put that burden in your heart for a reason. There is something only YOU have that God wants to use to impact that something/someone. Others might not understand or support you, but that's just it- if everyone supported what you were doing, then you would not really be obeying God fully.
2) Nehemiah was Consistant in Prayer
Nehemiah didn't just go ahead and face the king with his request. He SAT and PRAYED in the presence of God. He praised the Lord, asked for forgiveness, and asked the Lord to hear his cry. Not just that, but even right at the moment as he faced the king he prayed before God (Nehemiah 2:4). The point is, Nehemiah put God in the middle of every situation. He wanted the will of God, and not only did He trust in the plan of God but also He continuously kept God involved. He fought in prayer, and birthed miracles. Whatever it is God put a passion and burden in your heart for, KEEP GOD AT THE CENTER. You are not able to do this without him, because just like Nehemiah experienced- when you pray before God, God will not only have His will be done but He will do it in a miraculous way and provide for you in every area you need provision for.
3) Nehemiah Had a Plan to Rebuild What was Broken
Look around you. What has God put a burden in your heart for that is broken? Could it be areas in your church, community, family, or even in your own personal life? Nehemiah knew that he had to lead the rebuilding if any work was to be done. Ask yourself, "What is God telling me to rebuild?". I tell you, if you see something that is torn down that needs to be rebuilt, pray about it. If God leads you to it, there is a reason behind it. What you have, another person does not carry! Ask God to reveal HIS plan in your life and that you do the part He has called you to rebuild what is broken. It will not only change your life, but countless others'.
These are just a few thoughts to take with you and practice (and myself to as well). The verse at the very top of this article stood out to me, but specifically the part where Nehemiah says "Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and WE WILL NO LONGER BE IN DISGRACE". This is not a matter of reputation, but Nehemiah knew all this time that the Jews were in disgrace with their gates being burned and the wall of Jerusalem broken down. Everybody knew about it, but NEHEMIAH wanted to change that. That is a messsage for us all. What's in disgrace in our own lives and communities might be known by everyone. Whatever needs to be rebuilt may be in disgrace right now, but if you and I rise up in prayer and take the responsibility to change that, change will come! Impacts will be made! It is not about us, but it is about giving glory to God who gives us that grace and ability according to His will. He can use you and I! Be the change.