The Moments that Reveal Who YOU Are
1 Chronicles 29:17
"I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity".
Every person has been in a situation where their "integrity" was tested. You know, that moment when you battle whether or not to hold fast to being truthful and stick to you're strong moral principles. You're situation could be different from mine, and my situation could be different from yours. Whatever the case may be, we have all experienced this.
I remember sitting next to my mom during church one Sunday when I was a little kid, and one of the members of our church was speaking the youth message. That person said one thing that stood with me ever since: "Whatever you do in secret is a sin". Now I know that this quote can be taken out of context, but this always comes back to my mind whenever I find myself in a situation where I could sin- knowingly or unknowingly. Not everyone sins all the same, but when you feel the Lord tap at your heart and say "that's not who I created you to be", that is when you should recognize the danger of following your flesh and not The Spirit. Whatever we do should represent who Christ is, and HE will give us the grace to do so.
1 Chronicles 29:17 really spoke to my heart as I was reading this morning, and it came to my attention that not every situation in our day-to-day lives should come as a surprise to us. Sometimes these small situations come before us not by chance or fate, but as an opportunity of test. Is every action we do an action of integrity? I know mine isn't always, but that is why God gives us grace to recognize our bad habits and allow Him to change us from the inside out.
Whether it be saying the wrong thing to make others laugh, hurting another person deliberately, or getting involved in something you know you should not, we as people of God always need to remember that we are a chosen people, just as 1 Peter 2:9 says. The plan that God has for you is so precious and thought-out that getting involved in unimportant, wasteful matters is not worth the precious plan God has for YOU. It is not worth the one-minute fame you have with your "friends". It is not worth pleasing your fleshly body for a moment, but dealing with the guilt after. Remember that when you ask God for wisdom and discernment, He will give that to you, His treasured child. Whenever you find yourself in situations where your heart is tested, remember that it is God who is allowing this test to happen in your life not to hurt you, but to reveal to yourself who you are both in the public AND the private eye. When you fail, He will be there to pick you up and help you try again. When you pass, you will be one step closer to the plan and purpose that The Lord has planned for you!