In The Jungle, The Mighty Jungle
Exodus 3:1-2: "Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2 There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up"
We have all heard the story of Moses. In fact, we have all heard the story, read the story, and probably even acted as one of the many influential people in a church play. You're probably wondering, "What else of the one-thousand lessons from Moses is GracePerfected going to expound upon?". Well, my friend, these two powerful verses are more than just an explanation of how Moses came to the burning bush.
Moses was tending his father-in-law's flock one day. I don't know about you, but if I was tending a flock I wouldn't go to the far end of the wilderness. If you think about it, Moses most probably was already surrounded by a lot of land that he could tend his flock on. So the question is, why was Moses in the middle of nowhere?
Isn't that the question we all face.
Just as Moses found himself in the wilderness-the middle of nowhere-often times we find ourselves stranded in what looks like the wilderness. A land empty and useless. You might even be in your own wilderness right now, wondering why you were even placed there in the first place. But there is one thing you need to understand: God led Moses to the wilderness in the first place. There was an encounter waiting to happen from the Lord to Moses, and in order to achieve that special encounter God took him to and through the wilderness.
Going through the wilderness was nothing special for Moses at first, but little did he know that just beyond the wilderness was Horeb. Horeb is another name for 'the mountain of God'. From the beginning, God had planned to lead Moses to the mountain of God. The LORD'S hill, a place of meeting. It is on the mountain of God where Moses had his life-changing encounter with God. Whatever your wilderness may be, stop and think if God is trying to lead you somewhere. Where could that be? Does it look pleasing, or not so pleasing? Wherever He is leading you is where He plans to use and speak to you.
Often times we may find our wilderness to be a sense of loneliness to us. You may feel as though you have no one to understand what you are going through, or even a person to confide to. Let me tell you, this "wilderness" of loneliness might not actually be a wilderness. If this is God leading you, He is separating you so you can meet with Him alone at the mountain of God. His call is great for you, and He wants to do great things through you. Do not be discouraged by the jungle that surrounds you. Moses was a 'foreigner' in a foreign land, though he was a Hebrew from birth, but it was all part of the will of God. It takes being in whatever 'foreign' situation/land your in to surrender and obey the Lord's call.
If you are finding yourself in a jungle of loneliness, hopelessness, forsakenness, etc. Remember to seek the Lord and look to Him. Your wilderness can be the Mountain of God-the place where you will receive YOUR life-changing encounter with God!