Christ- Our firm Foundation!
We were hiking near a waterfall as a family and my 5 year
old daughter tightly held my hand. As I showed her ways she could rest her one
foot on the firm rock before she took her next step, I was reminded of how we
can stand on Christ as our solid rock. I
stood there looking at the solid rocks and the water fell on it so heavily. The
force of the water was able to throw anything off its surface. But these
rushing waters became still streams in the valleys. And I realized if you were
standing on muddy ground, this soil beneath your feet would give way easily and
carry you with its tide.
This is
a perfect analogy to our Christian lives. The storms, waves and the turmoils of
this world can throw away any person. No one is immune to the fiery trials of
this world. During these moments of distress, what differentiates a true
believer and his response is that his feet are resting on the ‘Rock of all ages’. And when he feels his feet is faltering and
the billows toss him around, it is then he learns the real meaning of trusting
has never been easy for anyone and I’m sure everyone has their fair share of
trials. These trials were designed to refine and purify us to make us God’s
vessels, vessels that are ambassadors for His kingdom. And we must receive our trials
joyfully to be shortlisted in the ‘Chosen Few’.
No one delights in trials but we must be willing to accept them without
questioning God and with unwavering faith and pray for God’s perfect will to be
done. Our faith, our love and our worship for our God who deserves all that we
can give should still stand even if our next prayer goes unanswered or when we
feel our whole life is crumbling.
Often times I find myself in troubled waters too and I don’t know what to do. It is then, I call out and pray ‘’Oh God! Hide me in the cleft of the rock till all my calamities pass me”. And just like Moses saw God’s glory, I must confess that these are the most blessed moments of life. Here I know my heart is one with God’s perfect will and I hear His still calm voice assuring me there is a peace after the storm.