Stay Humble!

“Go to the foot of the Cross this day,
His precious Blood washes sin away.
We each need to think more of His Cross,
Without our Saviour, we’re total loss.”
- Connie Kramer
     Imagine having everything you’ve ever wanted in life. You’ve got a great family, a great job you enjoy, wealth and wonderful friends who always encourage you. Now imagine all of those things being stripped away from you. A sense of uneasiness rushes over us when we think of how uncertain our life on earth is. Uncertainty sure is a scary thing. The Bible describes human lives as futile and short in Psalms 89.
     In this short life that God has granted us he asks us to stay humble. The Bible defines humility as being lowly or meek in spirit. We are to remind ourselves that we come second. Constantly riding ourselves of our ambitions and our thoughts but rather remembering that we are merely vessels placed on this planet to live for God. Humility requires that we give our glory to God most high and not praise ourselves for all that we have. 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 illustrates how receiving Christ as our savior means that we no longer live for ourselves but for his names sake.
     As Christians we are expected to consider others more significant than ourselves. Philippians 2:3 states “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves”.
     Humility is precursor to living Christ like. The greatest example of humility that we have is Christ himself. The creator of heaven and earth sends down his son in human form to save us sinners; sinners who have and will disobey and fall short of God’s holiness. Jesus took the human form and went through all that we go through only to be accused falsely and die for our sins. Jesus always remained humble and magnified his father’s name. We see even Jesus taking on a servant like attitude in the Bible as he washes Peter’s feet. From his birth to his last moments on earth Christ illustrated to us what it was like to walk in humility.

     Let us take a moment today and ask ourselves if we are living lives that exemplifies Christ. Do we continue to relay all praises to God almighty or do we stand proud in all our successes? Let us recall what the Bible says in 1st Peter chapter 5 that God shows favor to the humble. Always remember that all of what we are is due to God’s grace and favor. 

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