Taking a Look at Luke

     So I know that Ephesians is the book Grace Perfected is focusing on, but as I was doing my daily reading of Luke God spoke to me about something and I felt I should post it on here to encourage you all. About three times this week and even in sermons spoken before at church, God has been reminding me these four words: "Take up your cross".  Luke 14:27 says, "and anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple". I learned that a disciple isn't someone who is the most knowledgable about God, but the word disciple is the title of a person who is a student of a teacher. If you are a disciple of Christ, then that means you're the student and Jesus is your teacher. I don't know about you, but I want to be learning from Jesus. A pastor at CC Philly explained that Jesus' twelve disciples were not just the men that followed Jesus and performed miracles in His name. They were literal students of Jesus, learning and observing every act and teaching of His. In being disciples, Jesus called them to step out of their comfort zones. The only way that the Lord's disciples could do the great things He allowed them to was by stepping out of their borders for Christ. 
     From the start, they had to be willing to let go of their goals for God's will. My thoughts for you today is while you're running to catch the bus, driving on the road, or even just thinking about the day's agenda, ask God to help you carry your cross and deny your comfort and self-pleasure so you can learn to accomplish God's will for you each and everyday. I tell you, when you and I become disciples and students of God himself, our lives will change drastically for His glory and we will be taken to new levels of achieving God's purpose! 

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