
Showing posts from May, 2015

Stay Humble!

“Go to the foot of the Cross this day, His precious Blood washes sin away. We each need to think more of His Cross, Without our Saviour, we’re total loss.” - Connie Kramer      Imagine having everything you’ve ever wanted in life. You’ve got a great family, a great job you enjoy, wealth and wonderful friends who always encourage you. Now imagine all of those things being stripped away from you. A sense of uneasiness rushes over us when we think of how uncertain our life on earth is. Uncertainty sure is a scary thing. The Bible describes human lives as futile and short in Psalms 89.      In this short life that God has granted us he asks us to stay humble. The Bible defines humility as being lowly or meek in spirit. We are to remind ourselves that we come second. Constantly riding ourselves of our ambitions and our thoughts but rather remembering that we are merely vessels placed on this planet to live for God. Humility requires that we...

Blessed are the Peacemakers

We live in a world of conflict. Nations war against nations, violence plagues our cities, and people argue over politics  and race. Even among our friends and family, we often face situations of disagreement and argument. How do we navigate these troubled waters? Let’s remember that God’s kingdom is a kingdom of peace. “In the last days… [God] will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore” (Isaiah 2:2-4). We are all looking forward to eternity in God’s peaceful kingdom.  But meanwhile, we live in world of conflict. In this world, we are called to spread the message of peace. Paul compares us to soldiers, whose feet are prepared by wearing the proper shoes.  We are  ready to face the troubling situations of this world because we wear the “gospel of peace”  as our foo...

Call to Authenticity

We live in a day and age in which concealing things that are not visually appealing, and hiding what we truly believe are highly promoted. These days photoshop is used so frivolously just to make your smile brighter or skin lighter or maybe make you a size smaller. All that effort is done so that you can get more likes on your Facebook page or double tap on your Instagram. The core reason is that we all want to be liked. No one likes to be a sore thumb, we all want to blend in. I think we all manage to do a good job with it as well. We do it so well and so often that it has become part of who we are, so much so that we’ve become oblivious to it.We have categorized our lives, we know how to dress, talk and present ourselves according to place and time. The real question is: is Christ present in all the aspects of our life? "Christ is either Lord over all or he is not Lord at all" - Hudson Taylor We often try so hard to fit in, so much so that we end up living our liv...