The Love that transforms
So recently I have been listening to an old Malayalam song, “Rakshidavine kanka Paapi” . For past few days every time I hear this song it has drawn me nearer to the cross, so before my prayer time I listen to this song and I meditate on the cross and the one who took that cross gladly for me. “ Greater love has no one than this that someone lay down his life for his friends" John:15:3 Couple weeks ago, we celebrated Valentines day with our loved ones. Society has commercialized it so much that it now puts pressure especially on men to make their woman feel loved, pampered etc., and social media plays a huge role in this which makes the single person insecure of not being in relationship, I have been there done that. I was never a fan of Valentine’s Day for the apparent reason and still I am not because I don’t need a day to know that I am loved or that I am special. My husband does a good job of making me feel special every day. On top of that, I know...