Lock and Key
Isaiah 30:21 "And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left". Sometimes, the weight of confusion, doubt, and worry can be so overbearing. I have always had the struggle of worrying too much. It would be one word that I said, or one mistake that I did that would make me come up with fifty different possible scenarios that could happen as a result. This only got worse when I started college. There were a lot more opportunities that were open to me, and it was up to me if I wanted to take them or not. As a child of God, I wanted to do what God wanted me to do. Sometimes surrendering your own plans and dreams for yourself may be difficult, but what God has in store for you if you just let it all go to Him is all the more worth it and perfectly thought out and created for you . I guess you can say I felt like Peter when God called him ...